Film Synopsis
Khushi’s Roshni: Why do we live our offline and online lives so differently? What is the relationship between our real and reel world? Dolls and social media reels are both considered frivolous, but in this film, director Khushi brings them together to stitch moments which are absolutely true, and yet not. The film questions which parts of oneself we reveal online and which ones we hide.
Kyaa hai ye Samjhauta? : Do you make your terms? Do you come to terms? This film works with material of the everyday, scraps of cloth, needle thread and the timbre of human voices to explore these questions. The scraps of cloth animate the grain of the voices and tell a story, from the ground, of the many choices women make when faced with domestic violence.
Humare Beech Mein: This film is a conversation between two women about making a film on caste. How does one show the ordinary, viscerally? How do you use the camera to reveal structures of power and maybe, even take back some power for ourselves? How does image making help us negotiate, question and reflect on our differences? And as documentarians, how do we film caste? What do we show? What do we hide? Who has access? Who refrains?