A faraway village set amidst a growing metropolis where workers narrate stories of love and longing. Distance, is part of Behind the Tin Sheets, a film-based project, which started in 2009. The project uses video and other related media to engage with the changing landscape of Bangalore. It is an account of stories and experiences with ghosts, love and labour as narrated by migrant workers, to contemplate the the strait between the real and the fictional.

Yashaswini BR: Yashaswini BR recently completed her MA in Sound Art and Design (IED) at the Royal College of Arts, London and is currently working on independent film and sound projects. www.yashaswini.in

Ekta M: Ekta M, is the co-founder of Maraa, a media and arts Collective, and is currently working on Birha, a film on the lamentation caused by the pangs of separation.


