Oriented follows the lives of three Palestinian friends exploring their national and sexual identity in Tel-Aviv during the Israel-Gaza conflict of 2014. Khader is a Tel Aviv "darling" from a prominent Muslim mafia family living with his Jewish boyfriend, David, a local LGBT nightlife impresario, and their Dalmatian, Otis, in Tel Aviv. Khader is conflicted by his desire for change in the face of a seemingly hopeless situation. Fadi is an ardent Palestinian nationalist confronted by guilt-ridden Jewish love and Naeem must confront his family with the truth about his sexuality. Meanwhile, a war is brewing… Determined to make a change, these three best friends form a non-violent, cultural resistance group (“Qambuta”) making viral content for gender and national equality. While their work may not change the world, it certainly helps them deal with the frustration of living with multi-faceted identities.
Jake Witzenfeld is a British film director and producer. Born and raised in Essex, England, Jake graduated from the University of Cambridge with a degree in Middle Eastern Studies in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he relocated to Tel Aviv where he discovered the story that became Oriented. Jake co-founded a creative agency and has launched an international production company with 10 projects in development, both documentary and scripted. Oriented is Jake’s debut film.