Country: India
City: UP, Rajsthan & Jharkhand
Year: 2022
Languages: Hindi
Run time: 34 Min
What is that you can see at night? What is allowed, what is not? What do you become a witness to? Camera in hand, some women and men from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand venture out to record the experience of nights in small town India. Who is watching and who is being watched? Are nights crafted in silence? Is there still movement, labour that is invisibilized? Who has access to the night? Who hides inside? The film is born out of a pedagogical collaboration between The Third Eye and its Digital Educators who belong to peri-urban and rural contexts across Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand.
Director’s Bio: The Third Eye Offline team’s digital educators belong to peri-urban contexts across Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. From an intersection of age, gender and caste histories, their learning process is shaped through arts based pedagogical approaches, with image, text and sound as fundamental elements of exploration, discovery and self articulation.
Director’s Bio: The Third Eye Offline team’s digital educators belong to peri-urban contexts across Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jharkhand. From an intersection of age, gender and caste histories, their learning process is shaped through arts based pedagogical approaches, with image, text and sound as fundamental elements of exploration, discovery and self articulation.