This film features five charismatic taxi drivers and their passengers from five different cities: Bangkok, Pristina, Dakar, El Paso and Berlin. For 24 hours, we follow them through their city, their daily routine, their private life, listening to their thoughts. A parallel montage of the different time zones, based on Central European Time, creates a feeling of simultaneity. The taxi rides, the opening and closing of the doors set the pace, link the protagonists together, show the differences and similarities and are at the same time an allegory for the endless opportunities hiding behind every door. A bit like “Night on Earth” – but in the form of a documentary.
Philipp Majer, born 30.05.1982, is an independent filmmaker from Saarbrücken, Germany. He has a passion for authentic people and bizarre funny stories. Often with a political approach. His films are affectionate and have a strong cinematic look. Awards: Jaipur International Film Festival, best documentary for Smajl, best documentary IFFC – International Film Festival Cologne 2020.